Can Citizen Media and Mainstream Media work together?
Social media has played a critical role in citizen movements
and protests in the middle east and elsewhere. Governments and regimes known to
suppress media freedom and citizens’ rights are being forced to take heed of
these protestors and activists. Factors such as social media, increased
internet penetration, increased popularity of smart phones have enabled
ordinary citizens to express themselves and use these tools as a platform to
voice their opinions.
But how has this phenomenon influenced mainstream media
reporting and coverage? Ashoka Changemakers organized a twitter chat on #CITIZENMEDIA
for their Asia Community to discuss the relationship of citizen media and
mainstream media especially in areas impacted by protests and crisis. The chat
saw innovators, citizen journalists, online activists, content-creators, communicators
and media professionals coming together debating and discussing the many
aspects of the relationship between citizen media and mainstream media.
Finalists of Ashoka Changemakers Citizen media competition which is supported
by Google also took part in the twitter chat.
Some highlights of the twitter chat:
Sanjana from
Bangalore, India was of the opinion: “Mainstream media has no other choice but
to wake up, acknowledge it, and proactively collaborate. Citizen media is an
extremely powerful way of challenging the hegemonies of power.”
Bell Bajao, a
campaign by Breakthrough, a human rights organization, to bring domestic
violence and all violence against women to a halt was part of the twitter chat.
“Constant activity, participation, engagement has been show to get mainstream
media attention, for example in Egypt, but people have to participate and be
Sharma said “If citizen media increases its reach mainstream media will
follow. At the end of the day, issues that stir citizens make it high on
mainstream media on their own and are now catalyzed by citizen media”.
Follow the twitter chat by following the hashtag #socentchat
on twitter. To find out more about the citizen media competition by Ashoka
Changemakers and Google click
Contributed by Vallabh Rao (Changemakers Community Member)